Frequently asked questions


What languages are offered on Anytime-MD?

Members can chat with a doctor in English or Spanish. If an additional language is required, the doctor can arrange a language line to accommodate your preferred language.


Can my family access Anytime-MD?

Texas Health Aetna insured spouses and dependents over 18 can set up their own Anytime-MD account using information from their member ID card. Direct participation of a parent or legal guardian is required for care provided to children under the age of 18.


“This was amazing!! Didn’t have to get my two-year-old out to the ER for the care he needed and the doctor was fantastic.”


What technology do I need to access Texas Health Aetna Anytime-MD?

From a mobile device:

+ An iOS device (iPhone 5s/iPad 4th generation or newer) with the latest operating system (iOS 10+) and the Anytime-MD app installed.

+ An Android device with at least Nougat 7.0+ and the Anytime-MD app installed.

From a computer:

+ Desktop or laptop computer (ideally less than 3 years old) + PC operating system: Windows 7+; or Apple operating system: OS X 10.6+

+ Desktop web browser: preferably Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox

+ Webcam (most computers have a built-in webcam)

+ Microphone (most computers have a built-in microphone)

+ High-speed internet connection of at least 3.0 Mbps download / 1.0 Mbps upload

If you need technical assistance getting registered, just send an email to